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The Advent Series-Day Nine

Day 9: Small

Matthew 10:29 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care."

pregnant woman holding apple

Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography All rights reserved

The biggest. The strongest. The richest. The fastest. The Best. You’ve probably seen these words a lot. They’re in the claims of advertisers hawking the new “it” gift this Christmas. Their featured descriptors in the title of cover stories on magazines. They’re in the campaign promises of relentless self-promoters. The same boasts mankind has be making since the beginning: "We will build a taller tower, a longer wall, a faster ship, a fiercer army, a bigger pile of treasure." We believe that bigger is better.

We want to be great so we follow those that promise to make us great again.

But our heavenly Father laughs at our monuments and chuckles at our armies. Every effort we make to be impressive: from every digit we add to our income to every rocket we launch into space; all of it is little more to Him than silly songs children sing to each other. We are singing ever louder, “We are great! Look how big we are! How tall we climb! Look at our glorious achievements.”And as we wait for heaven to bow to our grandeur, the One True God is whispering so quiet we have to be silent to hear the words of His invitation. A voice so hushed only the soul can hear it speak,

“I will show you how small I can be.”

“Do you want to see my glory?” God, the Creator of infinity invites, “Look closely and listen carefully. I will show you my glory in the small. I count every every hair on every head. I design the clothes of wildflowers and I attend the funerals of sparrows. I hide my Kingdom behind a door as small as a needle’s eye and fill my courts with the praises of infants. Look how small I can be. I will humble myself down to the form of a baby. A perfect image of all my power and my love I can fit in a single man. Do you want see my Glory? See my smallness.”

This challenge of our Heavenly Father is a shock. We are always prepared to argue our greatness. Yet God’s heart is to prove His humbleness. Inside we know we are small. How can we argue with a God that decides to share in our smallness? God doesn’t place His greatness out of reach. He places it right in our small hands. In a child we can hold. In a man who is as small as us.

So take time this season to find peace in the smallness of Our God. Look close at those in your life. Your Father in heaven knows every hair on their head, every wrinkle on their skin. Each tiny detail is a testament to His greatness proclaimed by their smallness. Count a few hairs on their heads and admire the intricacy of them as God’s small fragile creations. Love in small ways and you may catch an unexpected glimpse of the glory of God.

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Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography

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